Myself, Coding, Ranting, and Madness

The Consciousness Stream Continues…

A Belated Rant

24 Nov 2009 0:00 Tags: None

In fact, a very belated rant, so much so that I've lost interest, and most of the logic, behind it. So on to problems new.

The first which comes to mind is the matter of brithdays, presents and the like. The Birthday episode of David Mitchell's Soapbox1 probably says lots of things which I agree with2. Anyway, I'm now old, and have some more useless possessions3, and...nothing else has changed. Well, that's obvious enough, but it did make me think of the universe of arbitrary cycles. The years, the months, or even the eternal cycle of creation and destruction as overseen by the triad of the Trimurti. And I came to one conclusion, It's a load of sh*t.

  1. ^ Which is strongly recommend to anyone who hasn't seen them all already. That man has ranting down to a fine art.
  2. I'm currently busy watching some old SciFi, and I can't remember what he actually says
  3. ^ But thank you to all the readers who did get me presents: you're lovely, lovely people!