Myself, Coding, Ranting, and Madness

The Consciousness Stream Continues…

For Large Enough Values of n

28 May 2010 8:00 Tags: None

Or the lament of catchphrases

I'm currently1 sitting in a DMCC (Discrete Mathematics and Computational Complexity) lecture, which is generally quite interesting as we have quite a good lecturer. For those of your initiated in the joys of complexity, we're currently looking at finding big-O set for linearly recursive systems, which is often tricky. It's all based on the asymptotic case, which has lead to the phrase "for large enough values of n" being said...every few minutes. ish.

This, to be honest is understandable, but does take me back down memory lane, to GCSE history, the only subject I ever managed to fall asleep in during compulsory schooling3, where the catchphrase flew like little shards of pure insanity (or, as the great Tim Minchin might put it 'a sniper using bollocks for ammunition'. It got so bad that we actually began taking a tally of how often certain phrases were said; I recall "To an extent." (as a sentence in it's own right) doing reasonably well throughout the year.

Last night4 the master of catchphrases, Bruce Forsyth, chaired the always funny Have I Got News For You, which made a lot of references to shows I have never watched. However, that didn't stop me from joining in with some of the phrases; it may not be a racial memory but, in many ways, the phrases and sayings we leave behind will be the things which last beyond our history and the memories of our families and loved ones.

This really forms the basis of my interest in etymology, something I hope to be able to share in the coming weeks on this blog.

There again, exams are currently killing me, and I've been having some difficultly sleeping the last few weeks. Oh well, only 16 days until that's all over

  1. Probably not, actually. I doubt I'll get more than a couple of lines of this written before 122
  2. It turns out that, 5 months later, I may actually get round to finishing this post. Joy!
  3. It was just the once mind you. And, if my teacher had repeated the question I'd been poked awake to answer, I would have been able to...I just can't process history questions while asleep!
  4. 27th May 2010