Myself, Coding, Ranting, and Madness

The Consciousness Stream Continues…


4 Apr 2012 8:00 Tags: None

So, I have unfortunately gone from the end of term into illness with precious little time in between. I had hoped that this was just going to be over in less than a day but, as it is, I'm actively considering dragging myself down to the doctors.

That partially aside, I can't really post Doing the Impossible and then flunk out of a weeks worth of posts because I'm under the weather — especially when I'm aware that Courtney is going for a post a day for the entire month. So, instead, I thought I'd immortalise one of the ‘remedies’ that I've been trying out over this time.

Surprisingly Orange Tea



Brew the tea to (slightly more than) the usual strength. Add the orange squash, then stir in the Lemsip and the sugar, ignoring the fizzing and the fact it has turned a rather bright orange colour.

Consume regardless of good sense.