Myself, Coding, Ranting, and Madness

The Consciousness Stream Continues…

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13 Dec 2010 8:00 Tags: None

As always, I've left writing content for this to the last minute. Well, the last few hours, but over the course of a week that's really not much of a difference. Hopefully I'll finish one of the longer, more interesting posts that are in the pipeline sometime soon (including the one which will answer the questions that Google sends here to answer.

In the mean time I don't have all that much worth talking about - I haven't got any work done in the last couple of weeks, and most of the news is being reasonably well covered where it's understood. Not that some of it hasn't made be smile - as a person who names his computers based partially on what personality they appear to have, I was most amused by the BBC article on anthropomorphising computers.

The rest of the last few days have consisted of a number of plays, going back and forth across the country, not a lot of sleep, and starting a new Minecraft world die to corruption on the servers saves, including the destruction of all the interesting parts of my base. It's nice to be back on a non-lethal server, especially as I've taken the opportunity to unlock some of the modding potential, including the wonderful Minecart Mania, giving me a series of new track options. Photos to follow once I have something impressive enough to be worth sharing (I only found enough diamond for a pickaxe a few hours ago...)

So, that's that.

Cat Macro.