Programming Project
This one is for all the freelance coders out there who happen to stumble across this post; not that I expect many, but you never know.
The project, currently named in my head "MusicMerge" (I suck at naming things) is to do with music library management. One of the big problems I have co-ordinating a large music collection between the members of the household is correctly identifiying and removing duplicates so, I've been thnking about how this task can be automated. What follows is a rough specification of 'MusicMerge' and the various features required to make it usable:
Music Merge
- Command line or GUI interface
- Select multiple libraries to merge from
- Select merge mode based on file paths/folder structure/tags
- Two output modes: list of files selected files, or selected target directory (copy/move mode)
- Intelligent handling of target directory being same as one of the sources (deleteion of unnecassary duplicates)
- Merge selection based on file quality (or possibily other criteria)
- Smallest Lossless format
- then Highest bitrate lossy format
- Merging of tags (this is the big one)
- Tags which only one value in all of the files are merged into the target file (no value does not count)
- Tags which have different values across the files give a range of options
- Keep a subset of the merged files (checkbox type list)
- Keep the value of one of the merged files
- Set the value manually
So, why do I bring this all up? Well, I don't really have the time to start on a prjet of this scale, but perhaps one of you out there has some extra ideas, or might even like to take the project one. As always, feel free to leave a comment