Myself, Coding, Ranting, and Madness

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World Day - Correction

29 Feb 2012 15:00 Tags: None

This is a correction note for: World Day

I have finally the original source for the Calendar that I described in my post earlier today - Wikipedia places the formal suggestion (with the same terms) a good half a century earlier than the book I remember it from - not overly surprising, considering the amount of sense it makes

Known as 'the International Fixed Calendar' (or 'the International Perpetual calendar', 'the Cotsworth plan', 'the Eastman plan', 'the 13 Month calendar', or 'the Equal Month calendar'), it was first presented in 1902 by Moses B. Cotsworth in "The Rational Almanac: tracing the evolution of modern almanacs from ancient ideas of time, and suggesting improvements"

See also: International Fixed Calendar